
These steps are intended to be a linear process to get you out of there and resettled here. But we get it, you’re a big kid and can do your own thing. Jump in at any step and use whatever resources you want in whatever way you need them. We’re here for you every step of the way!

  1. Decision – Help in deciding if Colorado is for you, a discussion of cities and advice on location.
  2. Moving – Application to our moving assistance resources where you can get financial, logistical and transportation assistance for your move.
  3. Welcome Wagon – The info we think you’ll need to settled! Housing, Employment, HRT, support groups, etc.
  4. Peer Network – Join our Peer network to have a cool local help you get connected with whatever social circles or activities you’re looking for.

Not seeing what you were looking for? Reach out to us! We’re happy to be a resource, there are no stupid questions and we’ll do our darnedest to get you an answer!